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People of Mizoram (Mizos) are agriculturists. The profession they practice is known as  Jhum Cultivation. They slash down and cultivate the land. All their other activities revolve around the jhum operations and their festivals are all connected with such agricultural operations.

Mim Kut :

Known as the  Maize Festival it is usually celebrated during the months August and September, after the harvest of Maize. Mim Kut is celebrated with great fanfare by drinking rice-beer, singing, dancing and feasting. Samples of the previous year's harvest are consecrated to the departed souls of the community.

Chapchar Kut :

This festival is celebrated afetr the tedious task of  jhum, i.e. ,jungle-clearing. Chapchar Kut is  a spring festival celebrated with great eclat.

Pawl Kut :

Celebrated during December to January Pawl Kut is Harvest Festival  after the harvests are over. It is perhaps the greatest festival, with plenty of grains in the barn and all the labours of the year over, what better time is there than this to have a great festival.



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