Keoladeo Ghana National Park, one of the most spectacular bird
sanctuaries in India, nesting indigenous water- birds as well as
migratory water birds and water side birds. It is also inhabited by
sambar, chital, nilgai and boar. More than 300 species of birds are
found in this small park of 29 sq. km. of which 11 sq. km. are marshes
and the rest scrubland and grassland. Keoladeo, the name derives from
an ancient Hindu temple, devoted to Lord Shiva, which stands at the
centre of the park. 'Ghana' means dense, referring to the thick
forest, which used to cover the area. While many of India's parks have
been developed from the hunting preserves of princely India, Keoladeo
Ghana is perhaps the only case where the habitat has been created by a
maharaja. In earlier times, Bharatpur town used to be flooded
regularly every monsoon. In 1760, an earthern dam (Ajan Dam) was
constructed, to save the town, from this annual vagary of nature. The
depression created by extraction of soil for the dam was cleared and
this became the Keoladeo lake. At the beginning of this century, this
lake was developed, and was divided into several portions. A system of
small dams, dykes, sluice gates, etc., was created to control water
level in different sections. This became the hunting preserve of the
Bharatpur royalty, and one of the best duck - shooting wetlands in the
world. Hunting was prohibited by mid-60s. The area was declared a
national park on 10 March 1982, and accepted as a World Heritage Site
in December 1985.
Over 350 species of birds find a refuge in the 29 sq km of shallow
lakes and woodland, which makes up the park. A third of them are
migrants, many of whom spend their winters in Bharatpur, before
returning to their breeding grounds, as far away as Siberia and
Central Asia. Migratory birds at Keoladeo include, as large a bird as
Dalmatian pelican, which is slightly less than two meters, and as
small a bird as Siberian disky leaf warbler, which is the size of a
finger. Other migrants include several species of cranes, pelicans,
geese, ducks, eagles, hawks, shanks, stints, wagtails, warblers,
wheatears, flycatchers, buntings, larks and pipits, etc. But of all
the migrants, the most sought after is the Siberian Crane or the great
white crane, which migrates to this site every year, covering a
distance of more than half the globe. These birds, numbering only a
few hundred, are on the verge of extinction. It is birds from the
western race of the species, that visit Keoladeo, migrating from the
Ob river basin region, in the Aral mountains, in Siberia via
Afghanistan and Pakistan. There are only two wintering places, left
for this extremely rare species.One is in Feredunkenar in Iran, and
the other is Keoladeo Ghana. The journey to Bharatpur takes them 6,400
kms from their breeding grounds, in Siberia. They arrive in December
and stay till early March. Unlike Indian cranes, the Siberian crane is
entirely vegetarian. It feeds on underground aquatic roots and tubers
in loose flocks of five or six.
National Park
Near the township of Sawai
Madhopur, in the state of Rajasthan,
Ranthambore National Park is an outstanding example of Project Tiger's
efforts at conservationin the country. The forests around the
Ranthambore Fort were once, the private hunting grounds of the
Maharajas of Jaipur. The desire to preserve the game in these forests
for sport, was responsible for their conservation, and subsequent
rescue by Project Tiger. The Park sprawls over an estimated area of
400 sq kms. Steep crags embracea network of lakes and rivers, and a
top one of these hills, is the impressive Ranthambore Fort, built in
the 10th century. The terrain fluctuates between impregnable forests
and open bushland. The forest is the typically dry deciduous type,
with dhok, being the most prominent tree. The entry point to the Park,
goes straight to the foot of the fort and the forest rest house, Jogi
Mahal. The latter boasts of the second-largest banyan tree in India.
The Padam Talab, the Raj Bagh Talab and the Milak Talab are some of
the lakes in the area, that attract the tiger population . They have
been spotted at the edges of these lakes, and Jogi Mahal itself. Old
crumbling walls, ruined pavilions, wells, and other ancient structures
stand witness to the region's glorious past. The entire forest is
peppered with the battlements and spillovers of the Ranthambore Fort -
tigers are said to frequent these ruins, too. As a result of stringent
efforts in conservation, tigers, the prime assets of the Park, have
become more and more active during the day. More than in any other
park or sanctuary in India, tigers are easily spotted here in
daylight. They can be seen lolling around lazily in the sun, or
feverishly hunting down sambar around the lakes.
When to visit : The
best time to visit the park is between October and April. The parkis
closed during the monsoon, from June to October.
National Park
Desert National Park is an excellent example of the ecosystem of the
Thar desert and its diverse fauna. Sand dunes form around 20% of the
Park. The major landform consists of craggy rocks and compact salt
lake bottoms, intermedial areas and fixed dunes which are quite
suitable for the chinkara to move at high speed. The blackbuck is
another common antelope of this region. Its other notable inhabitants
are the desert fox, Bengal fox, wolf and desert cat.Sudashri forest
post is the ideal place for observing the wildlife of Desert National
Park and is the most suitable in the entire 3162 sq. kms. of this park
for watching and photographing the activities of the animals from
behind cover.
Birdlife in this sandy habitat is vivid and spectacular. Birds such as
the sandgrouse, partridges, bee-eaters, larks and shrikes are commonly
seen. Demoiselle crane and houbara arrive in the winter. The
birds of prey seen here are tawny and steppe eagles, long legged and
honey buzzards, falcons and kestrels. But the most outstanding of the
avifauna is the great Indian bustard. This tall, heavy bird is an
epitome of confidence and grace. It is good to see five or six
bustards near Sudashri water hole.
This park is also very rich in reptiles. Spiny tail lizard, monitor
lizard, saw sealed viper, Russel's viper, Sind krait, toad agama and
sandfish are found in large numbers.18 kms. from Jaisalmer is the Akal
Wood Fossils Park which is about 180 million years of age. Sea shells
and massive fossilised tree trunks in this park record the geological
history of the desert.
National Park
Sariska became a sanctuary in the year 1958. The sanctuary came under
the project Tiger in 1979 and became a national park in 1982. It is
located at Kankwari fort, near Alwar, on the Delhi Jaipur Highway. The
terrain is predominantly hilly, as it lies in the Aravalli range. It
has total area of 788 sq. kilometres, with a core area of approx.
47sq. kilometres. At last count in 1985, there 35 tigers were
reported. Other carnivores of the area are the panthe, jungle cat,
jackal and hyena. Three caracals were also reported during the last
census in 1985. Other animals include the sambhar, chital, wild boar,
hare, nilgai and umpteen porcupines. The birdlife comprises of the pea
fowl, gray partridge, quail, sandgrouse, tree pie, white breasted
kingfisher, golden woodpecker and great Indian horned owl.
When to visit : November
to March is the best period to visit.
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