Ayurveda hospitals in kerala, Ayurveda in Kerala,Ayurveda treatments in kerala, Kerala mansoon, Punarnava Ayurveda Hospital Cochin, Kerala, India, resort, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, low back ache, cervical spondylsis, psoriasis, allergic respiratory disorders , multiple sclerosis, age related mental stress, rheumatic diseases, health care, professional doctors, Pizhichil , Najavarakzhi, Sirodhara, Vasthi, Sirovasthi, Udvarthanam, Abhayangam,Rejuvenation Therapy, Body purification Therapy, Body Immunisation Programme, Slimming Programme, beauty care programme, Stress Management Programme.
Ayurveda hospitals in kerala, Ayurveda in Kerala,Ayurveda treatments in kerala, Kerala mansoon, Punarnava Ayurveda Hospital Cochin, Kerala, India, resort, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, low back ache, cervical spondylsis, psoriasis, allergic respiratory disorders , multiple sclerosis, age related mental stress, rheumatic diseases, health care, professional doctors, Pizhichil , Najavarakzhi, Sirodhara, Vasthi, Sirovasthi, Udvarthanam, Abhayangam,Rejuvenation Therapy, Body purification Therapy, Body Immunisation Programme, Slimming Programme, beauty care programme, Stress Management Programme.
Punarnava Ayurveda Hospital
Edappally North P.O, Kochi, Kerala.
Ayurveda hospitals in kerala, Ayurveda in Kerala,Ayurveda treatments in kerala, Kerala mansoon, Punarnava Ayurveda Hospital Cochin, Kerala, India, resort, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, low back ache, cervical spondylsis, psoriasis, allergic respiratory disorders , multiple sclerosis, age related mental stress, rheumatic diseases, health care, professional doctors, Pizhichil , Najavarakzhi, Sirodhara, Vasthi, Sirovasthi, Udvarthanam, Abhayangam,Rejuvenation Therapy, Body purification Therapy, Body Immunisation Programme, Slimming Programme, beauty care programme, Stress Management Programme.

Foucus USA

Rejuvenation Therapy:
Comes under 'Swastha Vritha' the preventive and promotive health care advised by Acharyas. It helps to rejuvenate,recharge and revitalize. Treatment includes rejuvenation massage by two therapists with hand and foot using suitable oils and steam bath and five special procedures to refresh 'Panchendriyas". (The five sense organs). This treatment is advisable for 7 to 14 days

Healthy Spine Care:
To prevent spinal disorders and to cure Low back ache, intervertebral disc prolapse, Sciatica, cervical spondylosis, brachial neuralgia and other associated ailments. Treatment includes Snehapana, Elakkizhi, njavarakishi, Kadeevasthi/galavasthy, mathravasthi, Steambath, Herbal spine bath and Kashayavasthi, Treatment duration may vary from 7 to 21 days according to the conditions.

Body Purification therapy:
This comes under Sodhana Chikitsa (Eleminatin and Purification). This theory purifies the whole body to attain proper balance of Thridoshas(Vata,Pitha, kapha) and enhances immunity thus to maintain health. Treatment includes Snehapana, abhyangam (General massage) Nasyam, Pizhicil, Dhara, Virechanam, Njavarakizhi, Tharpanam, Kamapooranam, Medicated steam bath, Vasthi.

Arthritis Management Programme:

Ayurveda has time-tested remedy for joint related disorders of various etiologies. This program includes Rooksha sweda, Lepanam, Pizhicil, Elakkizhi, Njavarakizhi, Steam bath, Vasthi. Treatment duration 7 – 21 days.

Slimming Programme:
Removes unwanted fat and reduce overweight by special process like udvarthanam (powder massage) special oil massage, steam bath, intake of herbal juices and herbal tea. A very suitable Ayurvedic diet is advised during this period. 21 to 28 days treatment is advised for better results.

Beauty Care Programme:

Includes Face massage, cream massage, facepack, hair pack, Medicated steaming, Njavarakizhi and Oil massage.

Psoriasis treatment Programme:
This programme effectively manages all type of psoriasis. Treatment includes Snehapana, Virechana, Lepanam, Swedanam, Thakradhara and special internal medications.


Offers the real relaxation, keeps the mind and body cool. This programme includes Sirodhara, (Thakradhara/Ksheeradhara) Rejuvenation massages, Yoga & medication and Talam. Duration 7 to 14 days.

Fem 40 care:
This programme is exclusively meant for females to prevent osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and to manage the hormonal and physiological changes nearing menopause. Treatment includes Snehapana.

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Mobile : +91-9810002772, 9810092772.